9 Reasons to Eat Oats Everyday!

Reasons to Eat Oats Everyday: Oats (Avena Sativa) is a cereal which is commonly consumed as oatmeal or rolled oats, They may have a variety of possible health benefits according to some studies.

They are eaten primarily as porridge, as an ingredient in cereals for breakfast, and in baked goods (oatcakes, oats cookies, and oats bread). Oats have been a very popular "health food" over the last few decades.

Oats are loaded with dietary fiber (which contains more than many other grains) and have a range of cholesterol-lowering characteristics.

Oats Nutrition - Nutritional Value of Oats

Oats are filled with amazing nutrients that are great for your body. In 100 grams of oats, you will find a total of 389 calories.

Types of Oats

There are quite a few varieties out there for the simple grains! All oats start as oat groats, the only difference lies in their processing that alters its taste, texture, and cooking time. The popular types of oats are:

Instant oats

Also known as quick oats, instant oats cook so well & instantly. These oats are precooked, dried, rolled, and pressed to form thin flakes. Just add some ingredients of your choice and you are good to go!

Rolled oats

Similar to instant oats in terms of processing, rolled oats are classic old-fashioned oats. They are steamed and pressed, however not precooked. They usually need a longer time to cook and have a thicker texture.

Steel-cut oats

Steel-cut oats are created by cutting the oat groats into tiny pieces. These oats have a very chewy texture. They go under minimal processing and are not teamed or flattened due to which they take the longest to cook.

Eating oats and oatmeal gives you some incredible health benefits are given below:

1. Prevents Cardiovascular Disease

"The antioxidants present in oats are beneficial for heart disease and the dietary fibers help lower the bad cholesterol (LDL) without affecting the good cholesterol (HDL)", says Dr. Manoj K. Ahuja.

2.Prevents Constipation

Oats are a rich source of fiber, both soluble and insoluble, helping to control bowel movements and thereby avoiding constipation.

3. Controls Blood Sugar Levels

Since oats help stabilize blood sugar and reduce the risk of type-2 diabetes, diabetics should consume oats regularly. Low in glycemic index, the wonder grain can also reduce the dependency of insulin injection and aid in effective diabetes management by improving overall health.

4. Decreases the Risk of Cancer

Lignan, the same compound that helps to suppress cardiovascular disease often “helps to minimize the risks of hormone-related cancers such as breast, ovarian and prostate cancer ",  as per the American Cancer Society.

5. Reduces Hypertension

If you are suffering from elevated blood pressure, a moderate dosage of oats will help to overcome this issue and reduce the chance of hypertension in effect. You can savor this healthful delight in the form of breakfast or during lunch time as well.

6. Abundant Magnesium Supply

Oats are also a rich source of magnesium, essential to enzyme activity and producing energy that can avoid heart attacks and strokes by calming the blood flow, strengthening the heart muscle, and controlling blood pressure. The high magnesium amounts nourish the proper utilization of glucose and insulin production by the liver.

7. Supports Weight Loss

Oats is a low-calorie diet that speeds down your metabolism and helps you feel satisfied longer. Reduce the cravings, and help you lose a couple of pounds. In the oatmeal compound beta-glucan, cholecystokinin, a hunger-fighting hormone, is strengthened.

8.  Enhances Immune Response To Disease

It has been found that the special fiber in oatmeal called beta-gluten makes neutrophils migrate further to the site of an infection and thus improves their ability to kill the bacteria they encounter there.

9. Protects Skin

Oats have been used as a calming agent to alleviate discomfort and inflammation while also offering a variety of skin benefits. "Oatmeal may normalize skin’s pH and help moisturize and smooth the skin " as per The American Dermatology Academy.

At the end of the day, oats are among the healthiest food that you can consume.


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